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Add-On Services

Treat yourself to more holistic experiences ... must be pre-booked.

Blessed Yoga
at The Cowshed

A flexible body is a flexible mind! 

Experience a Yoga Community like no other, where we leave all our worries and judgements at the door!


Enjoy the connection with the breath as we energise and create space inside, with vinyasa flow.


- suitable for intermediate and advance Yogis,

provided by The Blessed Yoga Community,
locally, at The  Cowshed Studio. 


This must be pre-booked directly via: - where you can download their app, to then book a class
- liaise with Charlotte as to timings!

For Beginners I can introduce you to Yin Yoga

in the comfort of our Retreat space. 


Book a Massage!

Charlotte uses a blend of Shiatsu, Reflexology and Therapeutic Massage, to release stress and tension in the body and rebalance energies.

Subject to her availability. 


For Individuals and Teams

Explore the self-facilitated PQ App Program designed to boost your mental fitness for personal and professional growth.
Every day your mind is sabotaging your performance, wellbeing and your relationships.  All your negative emotions including stress, are the result of your self-sabotage. 
Learn to handle life's challenges with break-through techniques, with a more positive mindset and less stress.

The Positive Intelligence
(PQ) App
Develop Your Mental Fitness


Colonic Hydrotherapy Treatment

Detox your body and cleanse your gut with a gentle Colonic, using herbs or a caffeine enema, with ARCH expert Morag Moulsdale.   Highly recommended for anyone with IBS and digestive complaints - wanting more energy, to lose weight or that is planning to change their diet.  

Book an appointment earlier on the day of your Arrival, or at the end of your Retreat.

Go to:


Charlotte Wickins helps clients reconnect with their innate wisdom to unlock their greatest healing potential. By addressing conditioned behaviours, releasing fears and outdated beliefs, whilst fostering empathy, Charlotte supports a holistic journey toward nourishing the soul to heal and embracie our authentic selves.​

Charlotte Wickins (Deep Blue) editable v
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This site provides general holistic health information and services  for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional allopathic medical advice. Consult appropriate professionals before making important health-related decisions. Use of this site is at your own risk.

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